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ADA Federal ATM guidelines

ADA Federal Guidelines

In 2010, the Federal ADA requirements were updated. In March 2012, they went into effect as law. Today's ATMs must meet sight and hearing impaired requirements. While new machines meet the guidelines, many older ATMs do not. This page although older now still may help ATM owners today.
ATM enclosure open


ATM Resources

From ADA ATM guidelines to The History of the ATM, our resources page lists helpful links and pages.

Who invented the ATM? We set out in 2006 to find the answer. Most online sources list the familiar names associated with inventing the ATM. But after we posted our Inventor page, many people contacted us with new information. The ATM inventor page became so popular, we had to convert it to a web site.

Brief History of the ATM

Another page that became very popular is The History of the ATM page on This page addresses the History of the ATM, the compact ATM, when it was developed in the 1990's. ATMs such as the ones we sell, did not become available to the public until surcharge laws were lifted.
Read all about it on the History page.

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